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Here's who I am & what I do

Welcome to my e-portfolio! 

Thank you for taking the time to review my site. Please watch my introduction video for an overview of me and who I am. Feel free to further explore the site for my experiences, values, and the six integrative nursing principles.

An's Nursing Portfolio Introduction
An Gia Luu

An's Nursing Portfolio Introduction

About Me

"Let us never consider ourselves finished nurses.. we must be learning all of our lives."
- Florence Nightingale

I am first-generation Vietnamese American college student pursing a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing with an emphasis in Integrated Health.  I am a current senior and will be receiving my BSN from the University of Arizona, College of Nursing in August of 2022. I have accumulated approximately 600+ hours of clinical experiences in Medical Surgery, Progressive Care, Critical Care and many more specialities throughout the Phoenix valley. Hospice care and home health is a field I am interested working in the near future. I am seeking new opportunities for my career as a new registered nurse that will challenge me further expand my knowledge base, skills, and patient advocacy.

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